Friday, September 23, 2011

Christmas Wish List

Yes I know that it is September. And?
Why not? A girl can dream right?

And any good Christmas shopper knows that you are on constant, year round, deal look out. Especially if you're in the same boat as me and have a gazillion people to buy presents for.
Not that any of these things are on sale, but I thought it sounded good.

Anyway, back to me : ) 
I will probably end up "gifting" myself these fab things. So no, I don't feel like a spoiled bratty princess.

I don't ask the bf for anything for Xmas, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I like to keep it a surprise for both of us. He doesn't know what he's getting, and I don't know what I'm getting. Perfect!
So, in order to get what I want, I "gift" it to myself. What's the sense of working if you never treat yourself?

**Fun fact side note: The Kardashian sisters own 154 pairs of Christian Louboutins**
(Talk about treating yourself!)

Ho Ho Ho,