Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The big semi....reveal

The final days are here. 

You all know how long I've been waiting for this moment. And like a child at Christmas, I can hardly stand it. 
The finality of it is so close, yet just out of my reach. How poetically ironic. 

Screw that crap! Let's get er done!!

So this is my kitchen in its current state. 
Fridge in place. Microwave hood in place.
Dishwasher in place but not hooked up.
Range in place (kinda) but not hooked up.

If our range was electric then it would be no big deal. But it's not. It's gas. 
Supposedly the cooking capabilities of a gas range are far superior. I don't know if that's true. We've always had gas, so I'm not really experienced with cooking on electric ranges. 
So we find ourselves waiting for our plumber to hook us up.

I am really really really REALLY hoping Monday's post will show all of my lovelies in place, hooked up, working, and a fresh plate of hot brownies (straight out of the oven) to prove it. 
Okay, maybe not the brownies, since I have hardly any groceries. Lol. But you get the gist.

Can you see it?
Oh sweet dreams how I hope with all my heart that you come true. 
Then I can clean my counters, de-clutter, and do a "I'm a BHG feature wanna be" photo shoot. 

Really really hoping I'm gassy on Sunday,

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