Two of my most favorite things in the whole wide world............clean sheets and roses.
And of course my super amazing bf, who is always supportive (and sometimes gets that "caged animal in a corner PANIC" look) when I hop onto my crazy crying train, sent me the most beautiful flowers to cheer me up. Isn't he the sweetest??!! I heart him soooo much! And I heart him even more for letting me ride that crazy train every once in a while. I like to tell myself that as a working mother of three with a fireman bf and kids that are involved in what seems like every activity imaginable..............its bound to happen :)
Anyway, now that that little rant and rave is over.............CLEAN SHEETS are here to further brighten your day.
Seriously, is there anything better than crisp, clean, I just want to lay in my bed and read all day, sheets?? I think not.
I have probably been OCD about the sheet thing for about the last 6 months. Usually, mornings are a hectic time for us and I am usually running out of the house (late) with my crazy lady face on while my kids pile into the car. So, the bed-making chore that we were all taught so well @ such a young age, gets neglected. But, I have been on a mission to set a good example for my kids, and their non-made beds, to dutifully do my chore every morning and get er done! Plus, there's nothing like coming home to a well made bed after our usually loooong days!! It helps me to relax and ahhhhhhh, let a breath out.
And super cute bedding makes it even that much funner!
5-piece King size bedding set for like $60!! And the comforter is actually G-R-E-A-T!! I luv it.
You know how sometimes you think you're getting a super score like this and then you go home only to find out that the comforter is super itchy and you'll never really use it again?? I've had me a few of those, but not this time, YEAH!!
On that note, I bid you farewell from my super comfy clean sheet bed, dreaming of roses and love thanks to a wonderful bf!
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