My last post was Sep 3rd, YIKES!! I knew it had been a while but.......O M G!!
So, excuses aside, I am back. YEAH (@ least for me)!!
Work has been crazy, kids have been crazy, life has been crazy.
So, with a heavy sigh, I now attempt to fill you in on just some of the things that have been going on with me:
The bf and I started a remodel project I think sometime in July. And by bf and I, I mean: I tell him what I want and he attempts to make me happy :)
Our plan is to remodel our humble abode 1 little project @ a time. So, we started with our little half bath.
**side note: I am totally kicking myself for not taking a before shot**
But, to make up for my slacking, I have provided a pic of our main bath, which pretty much was the theme of our little half bath also.
Though I was excited @ the smell of the word REMODEL, I had to pull in the reigns and get a grip. We didn't want to put too much $$ into the project because our ultimate plan is to turn this house around as a rental unit and build a house that better suits our family's needs.
Needless to say the travertine and granite were out. But, I was (and am) still over the top happy with the end result. Well, almost end, cause it's not finished yet.
Super Huge Improvement!!!
We are utilizing almost everything that was previously existing: toilet, sink, cabinet and counter. The majorly new additions are the paint and the floors. And the rest of the fabulosity comes from ACCESSORIES. New mirrors, light fixtures, cabinet pulls......you get the picture.
Did I mention I luv it??!!
Sweet Red Delicious Dreams from Wonderland
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