Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas To All
Friday, December 3, 2010
Day 2/3-Experimenting
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day 1- Accomplished
I was also able to edit and touch up some of my listings on Etsy, hoping to establish the right selling groove.
I miss lying in bed with my lil best buddy. He is so warm and cuddly and laying with him is probably the best part of my day. Plus, I love how he cuddles up to me when he falls asleep.
It is now 11:05 pm.............way past my normal bed time, and I'm tired. I pity my co-workers tomorrow, because I am sure to have my grumpy face on.
How long did I say I was going to keep this pre-New Year resolution up?
Accomplished, tired, and sleepwalking to my bed and best buddy,
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I love the Holidays!!

I did manage to get some super duper deals, but I also missed out on a lot too. Oh well, you can't get it all. Plus, I would've ran out of $$$$$ if I did manage to get everything on my list, haha.
Life lesson learned, lol.
So, I am constantly struggling with balancing time between the kids, work, Etsy, designing, and just life in general.
My early New Year resolution starting December 1st, is to write down and accomplish one Zaia related goal everyday. Hmmmm........maybe I can keep track of that here, like the Julia Childs movie.............
Friday, November 19, 2010
This is for my sister
Here's our dinner on the stormy, windy cold thursday nite.
Then, after dinner, they settle down with a nice book, and quietly entertain themselves...........NOT!!!
And more guns. Or would these be considered missile launchers??
So, dear sister, I hope this helps to @ least give you a chuckle, and lighten the load for a second. We miss you and would love for you to come home soon!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Update status
Naked and bare
Original bathroom
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Blogging.......or the lack thereof......

Why, you ask????
Well, grab your super size glass of wine (don't forget mine), and prop your feet up. Because for the next 5 minutes, you will be entertained with a non-stop rant about the goings on that currently dominate my crazy life. And if nothing else, you should get a really good buzz from drinking all that wine in that short amount of time :)

And by "we", I mean my bf and the in-laws do all the hard labor while I'm @ work, and I have the tedious job of color coordinating/bathroom accessorizing/and constantly running to lowes and home depot for more supplies.

Lol. I will have pics posted soon with the current naked/demo'd bathroom.
*Did I mention we're trying to do it all in a week?*
I'm starting to think that we self-inflict a lot of the craziness, haha. But, there really is never a "good time" for these kinds of things, so we figured the faster the better.
We are currently making do with the laundry/utility room bath and half bath we have in our bedroom. Trust me, 5 people trying to brush their teeth over 1 sink is a bit tricky. But it's definetely always an adventure!!
Needless to say, I am so excited for it to be finished! And I can't wait to see everything come together.
Also on the to-do list..........ETSY site coming soon!!
(Well, I hope)

*If any of you have experience with Etsy, I would love to hear your feedback, pointers, don't dos, etc*
From crazyland,

Friday, October 29, 2010
Another Sephora Love Story
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Orange-u-glad it's almost Halloween!!
Super lightweight and fun, adding just the right pizzazz to your everyday fabulous!
I even got compliments while in the grocery store buying milk, eggs, and oh yeah-pizza for dinner, lol!
****CAUTION::little side note of personal history about to surface..........
So, for those of you who either followed me from the the very first blog post, or for those of you who were interested enough to look @ prior blogs, you will know that my intention for this blog site was to send out a worldwide flyer, available to the masses, that I am here to provide YOU with uberly cute handmade jewelry @ super good, I can buy more than one pair, prices.
However, I got caught up in the blogging haze of personal madness, and decided some ORDER is needed!!
So, I am back with the first pair of uberly cute earrings!
Happy shopping!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My Love for Red
Ooooh glamorous oooh. An LV luv, that I can't believe I ever lived without. This shiny little number can double as a wallet or a clutch, and just like the perfect pair of red lips, it adds just enough sexy confidence to your step, that any hollywood director would be LUCKY to have YOU!!
Ladies and gentleman, may I present:
(Crowd breaks into applause)
Red Velvet, Red Velvet, oh how I heart you!! Ok, I know it's really just chocolate cake @ the core, but honestly, what is sexier...........the idea of plain brown (but still yummy) chocolate cake crumbs being eaten off your half naked body (WHOA-PG 13 alert), OR, deliciously scrumptious, sensual Red Velvet crumbs making every bodily sense tingle??
Ok, I think you get my picture, lol!! I heart me some Red Velvet. In fact, I'm pretty sure this is one wedding decision that is set in stone!! Red Velvet wedding cake it is!!

Next up;
Strawberry Margies with a bestie. Need I say more?
Seriously, margies with a bestie= CURE ALL!!
Another home remedy cure all is FAMILY. For those of you with kiddos, you know how those precious little unscripted moments just make your day??!! This is one of those. My little casanova rockin' the flaming red (he gets his style from his mama) "I am a chick magnet" glasses, equals an ooberly huge melted heart!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Iphone Cult...........I am a Follower
Altered Iphone version:
And please do not forget all the cartoon extras available............
(I am taking this moment to add that all of these apps I am using are FREE!!!)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
They were amazed to learn what the Ironman actually involved (swim/bike/run), and that people start @ 63o in the morning and are still running @ 12 at night. Yikes!!
While we were down at the festivities we HAD to get something to cool us off...........
I didn't get a pic of Kekama with his ice cream because he inhaled that bad boy in like 2 gulps.
After we cooled off, we walked around and found some of the cutest accessories, which I will show you in a later post.
So me and my girlfriend each had one scrumptious margie, super yummy food, and a great time with the kiddos! They were super excited to have an elevated, clear view of the street below where all the triathletes were finishing the race. And once it got dark, which it was by the time we got seated, the glow sticks came out too!!
Clean sheets & Roses
Monday, September 27, 2010
Soccer Saturdays
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Power of Pink