Thursday, December 6, 2012

Zaia's last sale of the year!!

Zaia's last sale of the year is starting next week and will run til midnight on Christmas Day..........just in case you didn't get what you were hoping for & you feel like doing a little shopping.
We have lots of new arrivals and lots of goodies on sale.

Like this amazing Skull scarf.

And arriving soon: The Sparkle Sweater.

I would also like to thank each and every one of you for your support this past year. We are looking forward to another exciting year in 2013, meeting new people, making new friends, and finding amazingly awesome fashion finds for your closets!!


Monday, November 12, 2012

New arrivals & November sales

We've also added a Sale section, to give you more awesome fashion and fabulous savings.

Visit our website and use coupon code "FreeshipNovember" to receive free shipping on all orders over $50 the entire month of November. We have fabulous new arrivals coming in weekly, & we don't want you to miss out, so be sure to visit us on the regular.

Stay tuned for special Black Friday discounts coming later this week.

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Holy hell guys! It's been a hott minute since I've done a post- well, more like a gazillion hott minutes. But, I'm back! And it's gonna be better than ever.
So many things have happened this past year, both good and bad, & I feel like now is my time to make it happen. My one true window of opportunity- so I'm trying really hard not to let it pass and not to f**k it up.
....................Insert brief little bio...................

   If you didn't know, are a new subscriber, or just forgot what the deal is, this section is for you.
This is the story of my life in 500 words or less: A full-time working mama with 3 very energetic boys, a wonderful bf, a turtle, a cat, no free time and a whole lotta chaos. Pretty standard stuff. But I wanted more.
I started having kids at a pretty young age, which I do not regret and wouldn't change for the world, but in turn, I never really got a chance to "do me". I never finished college, I never travelled the world, I never got the dream get the point. Fast forward to a few months ago when I lost my job. As we all know, the economy has been tough and the company I had worked for for 7 years went out of business. Well, when one door closes another door opens.
I am a firm believer of "everything happens for a reason", "karma's got your back", "good things happen to good people", and so on. Now, almost 11 years later, I'm getting my chance to "do me". It definitely happened in a very roundabout way, but I'm not complaining. I've laced up my sneakers and I'm running with it.

This opportunity has given me the chance to concentrate on building Zaia and to try and take it to the next level.

The website has been up and running for a few months now & I'm loving it. It's a constant work in progress but I'm excited to watch it grow.
We are still participating in local craft shows and venues and you can still find us @ Vanity Box salon.

We have expanded our product line to include handbags, footwear, and accessories. There are lots of holiday sales and new arrivals coming up and we are looking forward to the new brands we will be adding in the Spring.
Most of all, I truly appreciate all the love and support that so many people have given and I am looking forward to all the new adventures that life has in store. 


Don't forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram for the most current products and promotions.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Online shop open!!..............(kind of)

 Yippeee! Hooray! Woohoo!

Zaia online boutique is now open!!
(Sort of)
I know lots of you have been inquiring as to where, when, and how you can purchase the new Zaia clothing, accessories, and products I've been featuring on facebook
 And, while there are plans in the work to open up a website, I just hate leaving you with empty shopping bags and gaps in your closets. So here's a temporary solution.
 All transactions will automatically be handled by PayPal. It's a safe, secure and easy way for you to fill those closets.
Happy Shopping!

Magenta one shoulder sleeve dress
Available in Small/ Medium/ Large


String tie
100% Polyester

$5 flat rate shipping to anywhere


Royal Blue one shoulder sleeve dress
Available in Small/ Medium/ Large

100% Polyester
String tie

$5 flat rate shipping to anywhere



Thursday, April 19, 2012

New beginnings

Holy Hell!!
Can it actually be a blog post??

Well then, why don't we start it off with something bright and cheery.

I know I've been a slacker. But, for all intents and purposes, my time away has not been a total waste. 
Instead of slacking, let's call it refocusing : )
Ooooh, doesn't that sound so much better?

 I am back with a renewed sense of focus and drive and blah blah. On to the good stuff.

Zaia has expanded and added to its product line............CLOTHING!
While I am working on getting a website up and running, everything can be seen and purchased on the Zaia  facebook page.

Black strapless polka dot dress $35
Light pink rose ring $14
Hippy chic hoop earrings $38

Mustard chiffon keyhole dress $42 
Braided belt $14 
(Dress and belt combo $50)
Gold ruby heart necklace $35

Red Zigzag tube dress $41 
Anchors away red ring $14
Hippy chic hoop earrings $38

Look for lots of new and exciting products to come! 
And don't forget to sign up to receive Zaia newsletters- featuring special promotions and discount codes.
(Newsletter sign up can be found in the column on the right)

Happy Shopping, 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back from the land of the dead

The holidays have come and gone.
The birthday train is chugging on.
And I am back.
Give me a break, I'm getting older, and each year is taking me a little longer to recuperate. 
You know I love you all more than words (or apologies) can say!!

Okay, enough with the excuses and crybaby whining. 
On with the pics and random nonsense that goes hand in hand with an apologetic post.

All after a late, freezing night of practice.
Ahhh, microwave dinners and wine to the rescue.

My lil farmer mulching with his papa.

Be prepared- you are about to witness a NO-MAKEUP pic...

It's moments like these that I don't mind being the only girl. Witnessing this kind of bonding is priceless.

Cheers to dreams come true and wishes anew-

This is OUR year,

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cheers to the end of a long a** day

Today was one of those days. You know those days when the thing you want most in the world is to be at home with your family relaxing........but the harsh reality of it is that you won't be home until 830, tired, grouchy, and in total need of a full body massage, a bottle of wine, and a piping hot bubble bath.

Today was one of those days.

But I am finally home. Hair is up, wine glass is full, candles are lit, and pimple medicine is on (hopefully combatting this huge mountain of disgusting puss that is protruding from my chin). TMI? Tough luck. I've had to walk around with this thing for the last 2 days. Trust me, I am one grouchy mama.
Uh oh, I feel a rant coming on. **PLEASE BE WARNED- this is your one and only opportunity to lace up those Nike's and sprint for the hills. If you so foolishly choose to stay behind and take your chances, I cannot promise there will be any survivors.

I am a strong woman and a full believer in independence, strength, paving the way, not relying on a man, paying your own bills, blah blah blah. Beyonce is my homegirl (I wish) and her songs are my anthem. But you know what?? Independent women get tired too. They want foot rubs, romantic dinners, surprise LV bags and Louboutin shoes. I want! I work hard. I sacrifice. I want!! When is it my turn to be spoiled and not running around crazy tired, shuttling kids from one practice to another, while keeping the house clean, and the laundry done, all while working a 9-5 full time job, and struggling to build a business on the side? When?

Whoa. Wine induced/exhaustion haze is slowly lifting.
 I look around at my beautiful, sleeping children. In my newly remodeled, practically brand new house. With the laundry going in my brand new (I totally didn't need) washer and dryer. And my comfortable, familiar empty bed, calling my name. While my bf works a 24 hr/always on call shift, waking up at 2am emergency, no sleep night.

Independence? Who needs it?! I'm exhausted and grouchy. And I'm the happiest girl in the world.

Wine, pimples, and life,

Monday, January 2, 2012

So fresh and so new

Happy 2012!!

I love the feeling of a new year. New hopes and goals. Fresh drive and ambitions. Taking on the world, one step at a time.
What has this year got in store for us? I can't wait to find out!

I know you all have been sick with worry, tossing and turning through those sleepless nights, trying to figure out where I have been. 
Yah right! I know you all have been partying it up with all of the holidays and festivities that we are all trying to recuperate from.

So have I. 
My sister and her brood are here visiting, and I have my own little barbie doll to play with.

But don't let this cute little package fool you. She has got A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E for days. Hmmmm, I wonder where she got that from?? But, she does let me paint her nails and make her hair, so even when she's sassy, she pretty much gets whatever she wants.

And the boys absolutely adore her!

Pre-NYE fireworks. Daddy had to work on New Years Eve, so he popped some the day before and the day after. 
**Here's to hoping for lots of blessings and luck this year**

Me and my mini all bundled on NYE, taking a little power nap (1030pm) so that we could make it to midnight.  

And I just had to sneak this pic in. This was our lunch today.......homemade shrimp scampi.
Told ya I'd be cooking up a storm once the appliances were in.

Off to bed (back to work tomorrow),