Hi guys! There have been lots of exciting things going on keeping us busy, busy, busy.
With the bathroom remodels complete we have moved on to.................(dramatic DUM DUM DUM intro music).........our kitchen and living room.
We will be changing out the cabinets, floors and windows, taking out walls, and enclosing a lanai (which will give us a bigger living room area).
Here is a pic of the demo we've done so far.
I am sending my kids to summer fun everyday with enough snacks to feed an army in a feeble attempt to get rid of some of this damn food, lol!
Our plan is to have the kitchen completely empty and bare by next week. That is when our contractor will come to add more crazy, disorganized madness to our lives. Yay (sarcasm @ its finest)!
But, I know, deep deep deep down in my heart, that it will all be over soon........I hope!
Under construction,